Welcome to our page for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Denton, Texas. We are glad you're here! If you are interested in becoming Catholic, learning more about the Catholic Church, and growing in your faith then this is for you.
At Immaculate Conception, RCIA meets on Thursday evenings from 7-9 pm in the portable buildings.
The best first step is to contact Deacon Art at deacon.art@iccdenton.org In this first meeting we will talk about your faith journey and how RCIA fits into your faith journey. From there, if you feel it is the right time you can begin attending the Thursday night talks and discussions.
How long does it take?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions about RCIA. The answer is, "It takes as long as it takes." It's not possible to give a single answer for everyone to this questions, because RCIA is a process, not a class or a program. The amount of time a person needs will vary depending on whether or not you have already been baptized, what prior experience you may have had with the Catholic community, and where you are in your own relationship with God.
The process of RCIA takes place in stages, or periods. Here is an overview of the process:
Who leads the RCIA meetings?
We have different groups that meet for different stages in the process. Our RCIA Team helps to prepare and facilitate the meetings. Also our parish priests and deacons regularly participate.
What if I can't be at all the weekly meetings?
Occasional absences are inevitable, but it is important that you be present regularly and promptly. Each week builds on what has gone before. We have different meetings for different stages in the process. If you can’t make it one week, please send an email ahead of time to Deacon Art. Save your Thursday evenings for RCIA and makes sure that you will be available for a few other key dates, the Rite of Acceptance, the Rite of Election, and the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil). Mark your calendars cause you don’t want to miss those!
Godparents and Sponsors
A godparent and/or sponsor is firstly a companion on the journey, both through RCIA and after. They are someone you can talk things over with, and to be a personal example to you of what a Catholic is. They are not perfect, they do not have all the answers - but they do care about you and are committed to sharing and supporting your growth in faith, understanding and community. They accompany you weekly and have a role in celebrations that mark your RCIA process. You don’t have to have one immediately but more information will be given in the first few meetings and we can help you find someone to make this journey with you, if needed!